The Contact

****Few Weeks After****

Ethan? Where are you?

The sharp voice swam through his consciousness, scattering any remnants of sleep. He opened his eyes and watched the moonlit landscape sweep by the cab's windows. Only a few more miles and he'd be with Shirley.

Ethan?This time, Gwen's piercing mind voice held a hint of concern.Can you hear me?

He sighed. How could he not hear her when she was all but screeching?Yes, I can hear you . He just wasn't concentrating. All he wanted to do right now was get home to Shirley. They'd been apart for nearly three weeks, and it felt like forever.

After living alone for over three hundred and sixty years, it was amazing how quickly he'd become accustomed to having her in his thoughts and in his life. He needed her, not just physically, but emotionally.

You sound tired, Ethan.