A Nightmare

She opened her eyes and accepted the white slip from him. He shoved the bloody cloths in a bag, peeled off his gloves and placed them in a medical-waste bag, then picked everything up and headed out the door.

"You want me to get that prescription filled?" Ben said into the silence.

She nodded and handed it to him. "Don't bother with a guard near the door, either."

"Shirley, I can't leave you here unprotected."

"Why not? A guard wouldn't have stopped that vampire, believe me." She rubbed a hand across her eyes, trying to ease the ache. "Besides, it may have been just a random attack."

Ben snorted. "When he knew your name? You can't honestly believe that."

She didn't. But right now, she just wasn't up to looking for answers or worrying. "Look, I'll be fine—the vampire won't be missed for a few hours yet. I'll just catch some sleep, and then I'll do the search for Gayle."