Clairvoyant Vampire

Shirley blinked and for a second looked like a dreamer just awakening from a dream. "The entrance is on this side, the exit your side." She reached up on tippy-toes and pressed her palm against the wall. The whole wall rotated aside, revealing a two-foot gap.

The air that rushed out was thick with age and death. Shirley shuddered, her face white. "There's a body in there somewhere."

He caught her fingers, squeezing them in gentle reassurance. "Yes. Do you wish to remain here while I check it out?"

Her gaze flashed to his. "I think you already know the answer to that."

He smiled grimly and tugged her forward. "Then prepare for the worst. It will not be a pretty sight. This one has been dead for a while."

"How can you tell?" Ben asked as he followed them in. The beam of his flashlight danced across the darkness, crisscrossing Shirley's and creating crazy patterns on the cobwebbed brick walls.