Peck The Night Goodbye

You know how difficult a task something like that is. We haven't enough researchers to keep those sorts of records.

But you're still keeping records of master vampires?

Yes.Her mind voice was suddenly cautious. She knew, as he knew, that a master was serious trouble.Why?

Was there one around Boston around the time of Farmer's turning?

I could certainly check. You think Farmer was turned by one?

Yes. I also think he somehow killed the master and sucked in his knowledge. Fortunately for us, he's too young yet to assimilate all that knowledge.

Thank the stars. A master is not what we need in this sort of situation.

No.Especially with Shirley and Ben involved.

Are you still intending to meet him tonight?

Yes. But I've just killed his nest of fledglings, and he'll know it could only have been done by another vampire. He won't walk into that meeting without some form of insurance now.

Then why tip him off that way?