Needed to be Held

Tears stung her eyes. She took a deep breath and tried to regain some sense of control. Don't think. Don't feel. React .

She pushed to her knees and grabbed the cell phone from her pocket, quickly dialing Ben.

"Where are you?" she asked, the minute he answered.

"Down at Fisherman's Wharf." He hesitated, and concern touched his voice as he continued. "Why?"

"Because Ethan's in trouble. Meet me near the Hard Rock on Van Ness Avenue."

She hung up and climbed to her feet. She thought briefly about catching a cab but knew it was probably faster to run, even though the peak of rush hour had come and gone. So she ran.

The fog slapped wetly against her skin, soaking her hair and dribbling down her face. Or maybe that was tears. She didn't know. Didn't care.