We Finally Meet

Shirley stared at Ben, not wanting to believe his words even though she knew them to be true. "Maybe she just missed the flight."

"She didn't even check in." Ben scrubbed a hand across his face. "God, I should have gone into the airport with her. Should have escorted her to that plane."

"None of us thought Farmer would go after her in the daylight," Shirley said, trying to ease her own guilt as much as his. Lord, if only she hadn't been so consumed with her own problems, maybe she would have seen this coming...

"We have to find her. Now. Tonight."

"Yes." And there was only one way they were going to do that—with her psychometry skills. But finding strangers and finding someone she knew and loved were two entirely different propositions. She wasn't sure she was strong enough to handle what Farmer might be doing to Seline...

Farmer. He'd want them to know. Want them—or her—to choose. She quickly stood. "I have to get back to my room."