
I died today, no joke. Me and Ace were pacing around in my room almost all day. Oh yes, Ace is the hottest boy ever. And if I didn't know Lexi existed, I would be dating him already. He makes it pretty clear he likes me.

OK, I'm going to drop the act. I really like Ace, almost as much as I like Lexi. He likes me back, but he respects the fact that I am NOT ready to choose between them and date him. No matter how much I wanted to. Well, we have kissed a few times, but nothing major. Well, it is kinda major because I'm on the verge of giving up on Lexi and getting with Ace.

"Nikki, I really like you, but I don't want you to date me unless you are sure that you can get over Lexi", said Ace worriedly. I kissed him, hard. "I like you, too, but I don't know how I can get over Lexi when I see her nearly every day and almost all my classes are with her!"

"It's OK"


I broke down crying. Ace tried to comfort me but it didn't work. Not in the least.

"Nikki, who do you want more, me or Lexi. I won't mind, just tell me the truth.", he said warmly.

"That's why I'm crying you little whore!", I exclaimed, somewhere between a chuckle and a sob. "I love you both"

"Now, Nikki. You have one heart and you can only give it to one of us"

"I want to give it to YOU but I can't... I haven't even tried with Lexi."

Ace's voice faltered. He was trying to comprehend what I had just said. Nikki Agana, hopeless romantic, had confessed her love to Ace Hale over Lexi!?

"I- Nikki oh my-". I kissed him before he could finish.

"But I'm still not going to stop trying with Lexi, big brain." I punched his arm lightly.