
Then I went to go get the breast enhancement.

I ran in the office and plopped myself on the chair in front of the guy who was going to do the surgery. The minute I sat down, he just stared, no words. "Hello?", I said, snapping my fingers in front of his face. He came back into reality. "Oh, sorry about that", he chuckled "Are you sure you need that boob job?". I stared at him in shock. How dare he? I just needed to go back home asap. No time for jokes. I smiled at him and beckoned him to continue.

To do the surgery, he needed to put me on a sleeping drug, so I'm not very sure how it went. An hour after being drugged, I woke up and immediately looked at my bare breasts. WOW! They were so much bigger! I put my hands on them to get a feel but then noticed they were wet. That could only mean one thing. I stared at the doctor in disgust, dressed myself and walked out of the room without another word.

When I got back home, I was greeted by an empty house, which made me glad. This meant Ace was out getting drunk with his friends and I probably won't see him until Wednesday before school. I had 4 days all for myself!

Once I'd climbed up the stairs and gotten in my room, I de-clothed myself to get a proper look in the mirror. I had to admit, I looked perfect. My bleached hair looked gorgeous with my skintone, unlike my natural hair. My boobs were so much larger and succulent. I wish I could reach down and suck them right now but how slutty would that be!?

Instead I picked up my phone and called Lexi. This is how the conversation went.

"Hey Lex"

"Hey babe"

I explained what had happened with Ace and how I was dating him.

"That's k, cuz I have a boyfriend, too. Since Ace is a year above us, he'll be leaving the school in a few weeks, and you won't need to worry about him!"

What a genius! I wished I could kiss her through the phone. "OMG Thank you so much Lexi I love you!"

I gulped. Oh no. I'd said it. Shit. Instead of being shocked or teasing me she just said "Love ya too. What'd you need help with?". I told her about me needing to get famous online and how I had bleached my hair and gotten a boob job. She praised me and said I looked really sexy. Then she recommended using an app called TikTok to post videos. She sent me some of her videos, and boy was she hot in them!

BONUS! Here are some of Lexi's videos!:

I thanked Lexi and put the phone down. I quickly made a TikTok account called Adriana_xx. I scrolled through the app for some inspiration, following sexy accounts while doing this. I then planned my video and filmed it!

I posted the video and texted Lexi that I'd done it. She was super impressed and loved it. She asked me to post more. Her wish is my command mate, I made 5 more videos and preplanned to post 2 a day.

It was a lot of dancing, planning and TWERKING. Damn I was tired. I stripped down, lay down on my bad and masturbated myself to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up as usual and poured myself a cup of coffee. I yawned. Everything felt different. Then I walked past a mirror and all the happenings of the day before flooded through my head. I ran back upstairs, flinging the hot coffee all over my front but not really caring. That was the least of my worries now. I jumped on the bed, my ass cheeks shaking like mad as I did so. Both my ass and my boobs were quivering, in fact. I'd never filmed such revealing content before, let alone post it. If it all went to a waste, I would be devastated. I was nervous. VERY nervous.

I opened my phone and went on TikTok. My jaw hung open. All quivering, jiggling and shaking stopped in their tracks. 2K FOLLOWERS!?!? WHAT THE FUCK!?!? My videos had 500k views each. The comments were really kind. Some sexy. Most of the comments were smirk emojis of flirty comments like "Slide it in" or "Nice boobs you have there!", which I liked and enjoyed reading. But in the midst of these comments were occasional hate comments, saying nasty things. Some of them were even sexist. But I didn't let them get to my head. I was happy that I had gained so much fame in such a short time!