I Have Another Bloodline

In a forest a group of people is seen battling a monster like-bear and spider. The group of were defeated giving the injured monster a chance to run.


A man dropped down from the sky appearing in front of the fleeing monster, seeing this, the monster made to attack him with a claw strike. With a snap of his fingers a sword appeared and cut the monster hand clean of.


It shouted in pain. Then he caught of it head. This man was one of the top sect cultivator Vali the Sword saint. "You couldn't take down a simple beader. What was all those training for. " he said

"Sorry young master, it was too strong for us" one of the disciples said.

"Just wrap it up and bring it to the sect."

"Yes" they replied.


A man is seen wielding a sword and swinging it every which way. This man is Cheng training.

"System, I just want to ask if it is possible for you to provide me training dummy to train with which is 1 realm higher." Cheng said.


Affirmative, but it will cost you 2000sp.

Does host wish to purchase Y/N

"Yes purchase."Cheng said hurriedly.


Insufficient System Point (SP)

"Oh great that's just great. System what's my status"



Name: Liu Cheng

Age: 17

Cultivation level: Fighter 6-dan pinnacle and Bronze

Cultivation technique: Flawless Cultivation Divine Art, Supreme Cultivation Golden Body

Bloodline: Human/?

Skill: Water blade, Water propulsion, Water movement, Water manipulation, Heat resistance, Cold resistance, Fluctional resistance, Poison resistance, Electric Current resistance, Gluttony, Predator.

Occupation: None

System Point: None

"What!! I have another bloodline? " Cheng asked in shock.


System isn't sure but is sensing a strange bloodline coming from host.

"Ok, but how can I get sp"


Host can some times get sp from quest

"Ok, show quest and reward"



Quest: Kill 20 monsters from Jura Forest.

Time limit: 10hrs

Reward: Time manipulation skill, 2000sp

Quest: Collect the sacred moon stone from the Sky Shattering Eagle

Time limit: 5hrs

Reward: Monster ball, Teleportation skill,


"Ok, were is the Forest located."


Host just leave the city and take the next path.

"Liu Yu pack your things we're going for a trip to the forest.…System does my sis as another bloodline"


Affirmative, but she'll take a longer time to awaken it.

"Really, how long will it take me to awaken mine."


Host can awaken now. Does host wish to awaken Y/N

"I can awaken now? Why didn't you tell me? Just do it. "



I felt a warm sensation in my body.


A explosion was heard in Cheng body. When the awakening was over he felt different, he looked different, even is cloth was different.


Congratulation host, you have successfully awaken your bloodline. Your cultivation as increased to Fighter 4-dan and to the peak of Silver realm.

'Is this what it means to be strong' Cheng thought.

"Ok I'm ready to goo....." Liu Yu dropped the bag in her hand.

'How is this possible, how did he awaken.

Went you weak how did you become this strong, does it as something to do with the buns or bean' Liu Yu thought in shock. Her brother as always been weak, but here she is seeing him awaken his bloodline with little to no stress or problem. It seems difficult to believe, if she was to tell someone this, they would probably think she has gone mad.

"Liu...Liu...Liu Cheng is that you, how did you awaken" Liu Yu made to pick the bag when she saw it wasn't there.

"You dropped this" Liu Cheng gave her bag.

"How did you....."Liu Yu was stunned how the latter took her bag without her noticing and was about to ask when Liu Cheng interrupted.

"It turns out taking 500 buns and 5 senzu beans awakened me." Liu Cheng said this because the system told him 500 buns and 5 senzu beans will awaken Liu Yu it will deplete his supply but anything for family.

"Really, will it awaken me?" Liu Yu ask in excitement. The thought of awakening her bloodline has always seemed like a dream but now she had a chance to make come true. Who wouldn't be excited. You should know that it's not all humans that have a unique constitution that needs awakening but it seems their family was different.

"Yes" Liu Cheng confirmed.

"So what are we waiting for" Liu Cheng gave her the buns and beans, and she sat down In a Lotus Position ate the buns and beans, and started meditating. The qi around her started forming into a cocoon.

After 5 hours she came out looking more beautiful. "Sys what did she awaken as? "


Ancient Yin Body