" Father! Father! Look at so many people.
Beautiful and handsome...
Boys and girls...
Men and Women.
Just looking at them makes me want to
The fifteen-year-old girl said with a maniacal smile. Her pupils were deep black and her hair was the same color. She was drooling as if she saw the most delicious treat in the world.
"Should I cut them into squares, maybe triangles? There are so many shapes to choose from. How about I try them all?" She raced towards Luo Qing and Yu.
"I'll leave this to you." Luo Qing said to Yu.
"Right" Yu said back. Yu took a step back and began to sing a wonderful tune. If Cheng was here, he would have been surprised and shocked because the power in the song was the same as Yin's but better.
The fifteen-year-old girl came to a screeching stop. Her eyes looked empty and void of emotions. She tightly gripped her dual blade and slashed at her father.
Obviously the songs has the same effects but Yu's seemed more powerful. Seeing how the girl was completely controlled bore testament to that. Even if she was asked to strip and run around naked she will do it without the least bit hesitation.
"Do what you know best." Yu sad in a low tone.
The fifteen year old girl continued her onslaught. She gripped the blade more tightly striking her father non stop. A surge of vital energy was released exposing her cultivation realm.
{Fighter-4 dan!}
A clean cut was made to his thigh. He was having issue battling with his beloved daughter.
"I guess you can't bring yourself to hurt your daughter can you." Luo Qing smiled.
"Just admit defeat and I will…"
The Father made a hit to the back of her head with the sheath of his sword. She was knocked unconscious.
"Ha ha! What have you gained now? She is dead asleep, there is nothing you can do." The Father said with a big grin. "I have the higher… What in the world?"
What he was thinking betrayed his eyes. Right in front of him, his daughter who is unconscious, rises from her fallen state in a bodily impossible manner. She picked up her dual blade and whispered some inaudible words.
Death is a virtue!
The daughter rushed forward with killing intent oozing from her body. She performed a backward slash to her father's neck.
"Daddy, daddy! I'm hungry! Food! Food! Food!" a small girl is seen talking to a man.
"My dear, I wish you had food but, daddy can not afford it right now, maybe later." the man said looking sad.
"You never give me anything! WhY DoN't I tAkE EveRythInG?" she said with a creepy smile growing on her face. Are voice cracked like a demonic growl.
"I didn't want to do this but…"
[Once Upon a Time]
Luo Qing and the rest blinked in disbelief. What there eyes were seeing was seemingly impossible.
Right before, a baby was sitting on the floor. That baby was Han Za, otherwise known as….
The Daughter.