Going To Y'onora Forest Part 3


With that in mind, I cautiously wandered in the forest while leaving some carving marks in the trees to find my way back while putting my guard up.

After about 5 minutes or so of wandering inside the forest I finally saw a group of three green monsters at a distance I immediately stopped and examined them at a safe distance, they must be goblins, right?

( heh a classic and cliche monster in a fantasy world. ) I thought slightly amused.

According to the books, I've read goblins are short green hideous monsters that have strength equal to a fully grown man but have low intelligence they might not be that strong but they fight in groups,

Anyway, It will be foolish of me soloing a group of goblins without personally knowing the exact level of their fighting, even tho I know their fighting ability from the books that I've read about them I don't want to take any risk and miscalculate how many I can take on.

So I'll first try and search for a lone goblin, goblins may usually hunt in groups that don't mean there is no lone one since monster zones are quite unpredictable it isn't rare for a monster to get separated from their group.

I tried appraising them before leaving but as I expected, they have a higher level than me considering I'm only at Lvl. 1

And so I left and tried finding a lone goblin.

I run into quite a few lone monsters but I want to fight a goblin since it's the perfect monster to also measure the level of my fighting ability since they're a humanoid type of monster.

And not before long, I finally found my first prey And I was looking at it from a distance.

"At last, I'll be able to fight again I've been so bored all this time," I said with a crazed smile while my heart ache in excitement I might not look like it but I'm a crazed battle junkie.

( I could surprise attack the goblin since he hasn't sensed my presence giving me an easy kill but that'll be too boring... ) I thought and showed myself to the goblin.

"Hey, there~" I said with a soft tone and smile but the goblin got alarmed and put his guard up immediately.

"Gii! GiiKua!!! KuaGi!!!" The goblin roared and took a stance with his wooden club.

"Oh? So you want to fight too? eh? that's good that's good... then don't disappoint me kay~?" I said softly with squinted eyes and stared at the goblin releasing my killing intent with a creepy smile before unsheathing my sword taking a stance that raised my hand to the side and aim the sword to the ground.

As I took my stance the goblin dashed at me and brandished his wooden club hastily left and right which I avoid and parry swiftly.

I couldn't afford to block his attacks as it was too strong.

( as expected, solo goblins are strong why else can they survive alone!? ) I thought while parrying all the goblin's attacks with clear excitement on my face.