As she exited the woods, she saw the gates of the village standing high and proud. And at the gates of the village stood the village chief. His gray hair pulled back tightly into a low ponytail, his bright blue eyes that sparkled and always have a story to share and the smile that showed across his face as she walked up to him showed that he was relieved. Naji walked to the chief, feeling the pressure leave her body some, knowing that the children of this village will be safe. "The vampires are gone. Now where is what you said you would pay me with?" Naji asked. The chief nodded and said, "Follow me, but after I give you your gold, there is someone who would like to speak with you. I do not know why he wishes to speak with you. I told him that it was your choice." Naji nodded and followed the chief back in his village. She could see the women and children looking at her, some with disgust and fear, others with shock and awe. She knew that vampire hunting was supposed to be a man's job but she wanted to prove them wrong and she did. She is one of the best vampire hunters in the land of Imura, but since she is a woman, she isn't as sought after as the men. When they made it to the Chiefs house, he walked inside and Naji waited outside, leaning against the side of the house. But a person walked up to Naji, seemingly almost taller than her. "Excuse me?" Naji looked up and seen the man standing in front of her, "May I help you?" The man seemed anxious, fidgeting and looking over his shoulder. "Are you Naji, The Vampire Hunter?" Naji raised a brow, her hand wanting to inch towards her sword on her hip. "And what's it to you?" The man let out a breath of relief. "Oh thank the gods. We must hurry. There is very little time to explain what is going on." The man went to grab Najis hand and to pull her somewhere but she quickly pulled her hand back, her hand on the hilt of her sword, slowly drawing it out. "Who do you think you are? Laying your hands on me?" The man looked surprised but shook off whatever shock he had. "No, you don't underst-" Whatever else the man had to say was suddenly cut off as a strong gust of wind blew by. Najis covered her face, her hair blowing wildly. She dug her feet into the ground, trying to stay where she was. She opened eye slightly, seeing the man in the same position as her. His golden brown hair was blowing wildly, his eyes closed shut. Soon, the wind stopped but only for lightning to start striking the ground at random. Naji dodged a bolt of lightning, rolling across the ground. She got up on one knee and saw the people of the village running, trying to avoid the lightning. Naji got up off the ground and ran around, grabbing the people who couldn't dodge as well and put them safely in their houses. She saw a blur go by her and turned her head, seeing the man doing the very same thing. Then she looked up in the sky, a dark cloud floating over everything, the lightning shooting from it. The man looked up and his eyes widened with surprise, "Renzac! Stop! Why are you doing this!?" His dark blue eyes showed fear as he was looking up at the person on the dark cloud. Naji finally noticed that there was someone standing on the dark cloud, covered in a cloak, hiding everything but their hands. Renzac didn't say anything but two words, "Power Magius." And held his hands up, the sleeves of his cloak going up a little, showing black markings along his hands and arms. Naji tried to run to the one called Magius but before she could even get close to him, the wind started to swirl around him, almost making a force field of sorts. Magius looked at Naji, feeling the sharpness of the wind cutting into him. "You have to gather the others! Gather the others and come find me! Yo-" Before he could say anything else, he suddenly disappeared. Naji looked up and the man, scowling. "Bring him back! NOW!" She drew her sword, ran towards the man and jumped high in the air, wanting to knock him down to her leve, on the ground. But before she could even get close, the man flicked his wrist and she flew to the side of a building, the walls crumbling around her from the force of the impact. Naji struggled to stay awake, reaching out to the man. But he was already floating away from her, causing havoc around him. The last thing she sees is fire everywhere, people running to safety wherever they could, only to drop dead before her as her visions blurs. The last thing she hears is the ringing in her ears, wondering why it wouldn't stop. And the last thing she smells is the scent of burning flesh and wood, wanting to make her gag and choke. But only a few seconds later, she blacked out.