The Tattoo

Ohh, he got the key for the house. I hope he is not a robber. I'll find whats going on

Mr bicycle guy ! Not now, I think the world will not end tomorrow. Lets see.

Hey Diary ;

Its a beautiful morning , I think like sun is smiling at me. Its 7:45, Aunt asked me to have my breakfast and I told her 5 minutes more because I was drawing ,I like drawing it makes me calm. Ohh time is running, Gotcha go,

Bye Diary...

Here, eat some more pancake.

I am full Aunt ... Bye I am leaving.

Woah the bicycle guy is locking the house, OMG, he saw me ! what should i do, pretend like i never seen him. Yeah thats right.

" Hey You , we met yesterday do you remember ? " Ohh thats right yea I remember".

" What are you doing here ? Do you live around here ? " Yes i do." I said by pointing my finger to my home.

"Ohh Great, so we are neighbors."

I asked " Do you live here ? "

" It's been only 2 days since I moved here. "

" Ohh okk I am Evelyn "

" I am Jonas, Nice to meet you ".

" Yeah, I was going to college, see you around Jonas ".

"Hey Evelyn, you said you are new here, so what about we go for an outing after class ". asked Gia. "Yeah that's Great".

We went to a coffee shop and had a coffee.

" Burger or Sandwich " asked Gia.

E : What about about Pizza

G : Good choice ! A pizza and a Sandwich. said to the waiter.

E: Its actually good.

G : It is one of the best restorent in this city.

E: Ohh Lydia is calling me.

G : Your teammate??

E: Yeahh. Hey wassup, Ohh okay, when, fine byee.

The sports competition is tomorrow, that is why she called me.

G : Well, All the best

" Ohh look that's Jonas, Hey ! "

" Hey Evelyn,"

Jonas meet my friend Gia.

I think that was a great shopping, asked to Jonas. " Yeah well there is a party going on tonight its some stuff for the party.

Do you guys wanna join ?? "

"We are fine " I said.

No you guys should come it will be fun.

I looked Gia and said "Okk we will".

I wore a blue sleeveless crop top with white jeans. Gia came to my house as i ask her to because so we can go together. His house is nearby so we weren't late to the party. We knocked the door, Jonas opened it and said Heyy come in, there were people talking, dancing to the music, having drinks.

Gia said "nice tatoo" to Jonas.

Thank u said Jonas.

I noticed and it look familiar to me.

I said "Ohh I drawed it in my drawing book ".

They both looked at me.

No way, it is my family tatoo everyone in my family have this tatoo, how could you draw it asked Jonas.

I said " I dont know but I just did "

If you don't mind can you show me your drawing ??

Yeahh come onn.

We went to my house and I showed him the drawing.

"Holy shit, it look like exact same, when did you draw it " asked Jonas.

I said " Two days ago ".

He looked the other drawing and asked

Wait what about this drawing ???