The History

Futorien, what is it ? I asked. The women and Jonas stared at me like they were shocked .I was scared, " Jonas, take me to home or should I go by my own ? "I said angrily. The women said "Get in you need to know something ". "That's right" said Jonas . We both got in to the house and she asked to take a seat. The women said " I am Gloria , before telling you ,I need to know why do you came for me ? " " I wasn't so sure she is a futorien ,I came here to confirm it" said Jonas. Gloria took a book from her shelf, it was dusty, old book. She said ; The story starts in Albania,

1000 years ago, there was a man named Sebastian , he lived in a colony consist more that 40 house. He only has a daughter. His wife died by catching some disease. His daughters name was Freya, she was 15. Sebastian lived by cleaning the street and selling cherries which grow behind their house. While he works ,Freya was alone in her house doing her work such as painting , she wasn't allowed to go outside and play because people in their colony see them as lower caste, poor people. Once when he was on his way to sell cherries , he saw a lady lying on the corner of the river with full of blood around her , he ran to her to help , when the lady saw Sebastian she gave him a box and said "Please do me a favor, destroy this box before someone sees and never open it , by saying this the lady lost her breath. He closed her eyes by his hand and went to a mountain to destroy the box as she said. He took a rock to hit on it and that time, he though what if its any valuable things inside it , after all he can be rich and he decided to open it . When he opened it a dark smoke was covered in him and suddenly it started to lightening and rain . The smoke got into his mouth and his eyes started to glow. He felt powerful.

At that time Freya was painting . Her paintings was full of monsters. Sebastian had no idea what is wrong with him. When he was on his way to home , a rich man asked him to tie his shoe lays , he knee down and when he finished tying, the man kicked him and laughed. Sebastian's anger was heightened and suddenly the storms got louder and the man fall into the ground by the blood coming from his mouth. He understood that he was special and felt happy ,he decided to kill the entire people who lived in the colony to get revenge. While Freya was looking to the painting and she understood that she is painting to the same picture for almost a week. The monster with his hands full of blood. Suddenly she heard people screaming outside and opened the door and saw people lying on the street with blood and a man with his hands full of blood. She can't see who was it . She believed that he was the monster. Freya saw a long arrow on the floor and stabbed Sebastian. Sebastian fell to the ground ,Freya turned to see who was it and she understood that was her Father. She took his head and placed it on her lap and started crying ,Sebastian said " This is not the end " .

Gloria closed the book and said "you can see a part of your future." " I drew a picture which look exact same like his tattoo and are you telling that I am something weirdo thing futorien ??? ". " What about the wolf ? " asked Gloria. "What is a wolf related to this" I asked . Gloria said " You didn't say to her right ? "Jonas said "No I haven't ".

Say What ????