
The box opened and there was a piece of paper. " IT ALL STARTED FROM HERE, IT SHOULD BE ENDED IN HERE "

"This is the last clue for the last puzzle." said Loren. " There isn't much to think I guess " said Jonas. "It all started with Sebastian and we are in his hometown. " I said.

" Noo, it all started with the man who created the dark magic" . said Jonas.

Loren said " The coward who killed my brother.... ". " It must be in your hometown " said Jonas.

" Yeah it make sence"

" There is a full day drive to my village, we don't have time to waste, get ready at early morning." Loren said.

We walked to the hotel as it was near and I saw some people wearing creepy dress and realised that it is Halloween night tonight.

I looked at Jonas and smiled, he glared at me and gave me a smile and I smiled again, he giggled and asked me " whaat ?? "

I looked at the Halloween costumes and

Loren asked " Halloween or Sebastian ?? "

" Halloween " I said. They both looked each other and nodded their head with a helpless caption. I said " Just a night walk ".

We three walked through the streets and looked at others.... Suddenly Jonas said

" I smell blood ". " But I cant" I said.

" I have super sense " he said.

" It's halloween maybe it will be some weirdo fooling around " Loren said.

" With real blood ? " I asked.

Jonas followed the scent and we found a body drained in blood.

Jonas went near to the body and said

" Look at the scratches, it is a werewolf "

" It isn't even a full moon night " Loren said.

" Someone did it on purpose ". Jonas said.

Jonas turned around and said

" Someone is here ! ".

Jonas and Loren covered me and turned their eyes into blue and yellow.

Someone jumped into Jonas shoulder and Loren Said ' VORIS ', and he got threw into the wall. He was stuck in the wall and Jonas asked " Who are you ? ", he didn't replied and was struggling to move, Loren turns his hand slightly and he screamed and said

" I am Will. " " Why did you kill him " asked Loren. " I did it because he was the reason that I kicked out from my pack and I heard you telling about werewolves and I though I can make it your responsibility of his death.

Loren snapped his finger and his head was also snapped and said

" We aren't going to clean your mess,

when you are awake clean it by yourself.