The Mountain

"As the last puzzle says the place where it all started, what do you think happens here ?? " Loren asked. " Maybe the arrival of Sebastian will be here, to know that we need to look at the cards" Nik said and he placed some cards in to the table and closed his eyes and asked me to take any of the cards . I took a card and gave it to him ." We are right . The arrival of Sebastian " Nik said. " How about a locator spell ? " asked Loren . Nik went to the room and came with a map with him. They both placed the map in the dining table and looked at me and said " To do it we need a drop of blood from you " . They gave me a needle ,I took it and tried to make a cut in my finger but as it was sharp , I was a bit nervous . Jonas took the needle from me and he slightly cut my finger and gave Nik a drop of blood from the needle and he put it in the center of the map. Loren and Nik spelled " BYREX VOH MENTROS " and my blood started moving from the center and suddenly disappeared. They both looked each other and Loren said " The last puzzle we done was wrong , the blood was suppose to be in the right place where we are , I done the spell to confirm that Sebastian's arrival is here but it is 'nt. " " What ?? The place where all got started is here right ?? Jonas asked . "No" I said. The Dark Magic is activated here but not Sebastian. We are trying to stop Sebastian not the Dark Magic ." I said . " The Mountain is where the dark magic got in to Sebastian's body , THE PLACE WHERE IT ALL GOT STARTED". Jonas said . " Right, the Mountain " Loren said. Nik placed the cards again and asked me to take one and I gave him . " Oh no " he exclaimed and said " The last full moon " . " The last full moon of the month is today " Jonas said. " Is it today ???" I asked and Loren said " Once Sebastian enter to the world , we cannot stop him , if we have to do something else we need to do it today " ......