Virgin Mary...

Let me just go to the backyard. "

" Hey Evelyne " James called out.

" Whoops " Chloe said.

Hey, whats up ! " I said.

" Seen you so long " James said.

Yeah right, busy senior.. "

" Ouch " James said.

Chloe, he is coming ! I said.

" 30 minutes late but hot..." Chloe said.

" Uhh, who are you guys talking

about ? "James asked.

Adam, Choe's heart melting crush... I said.

" Ohh 3rd year athlete, he is a flower full of bees around him. " James said.

" I know but its hard not to see this flower..." Chloe said.

" Wishing you Luck " James said.

Chloe went to Adam, his friends went to the backyard to take some beer and more people were there.

" Hey, I thought you'll not come " Chloe said.

" I almost forget about the party and then I just realised I was missing something... " Adam said.

" Ohh ok then, wanna get some drink " Chloe asked. " Yeah sure "....

" Well Adam just talked to a girl, he isn't that typical boy who flirts with everyone, your friend is lucky " James said.

" Yeah, she done this whole thing for him, she worth a talk I said..

" Right, I have some stuff to do " I'll see you tomorrow... James said and left.

" Well, it doesn't seem like weird between you guys " Gia said.

" Yeah, he is a cool friend "

" Friends haa ?? " gia said.

" Shut up, you know I am with Jonas. "

" I know but.... " Gia said.

" But nothing.... and dont be a single virgin mary gia, chloe seem like happy and I am too.. you better be mingled girl...