Death Stare

" What is it, go on.... " I said.

" You asked me, why I was sitting in dark yesterday". I wasn't sure that time but today morning we went to the hospital for check up ".Aunt said.

" Check up, for what ???"

" Uhh, actually you are like our daughter, so I am happy to say that ' you are going to be a sister '.

" What ?? oh my god, I hugged her with joy ".

" I am so happy for this aunt, ohh are you ok to walk?? " I asked.

" Yes dear, its only been two months, I am alright, I just need some rest. Go on, its time for college.."aunt said. Uncle was literally crying with happiness... Its so nice to see them like that.

"So, you will have some responsibility big sister" Uncle said. " " Okay, I'll take the responsibility ....

I called Jonas on my way to college but he didn't pick up so I texted him

"I have a happy news, call me !! "

When I reached the college, Gia was sitting in class and asked me " Why are you late? Didnt see you at cafetaria. " " Aunt is pregnant " I said.

" Oh wow thats great, so after few months you must be busy with diaper changing... " Gia said.

" Repulsive but cant wait to do that ".....

" Good morning all " Mr Joa entered the class..

" Ok class, this is the last day of your 1st year college. There is a summer class for this summer vacation for 1 week, we will be sharing some random topics, thoughts, whatever you want to open up, the list of students who is interesting to come should be given now... "

" Even classes on vacation , this isn't fair... " I said to Gia. " Yeah boring ".

Some students raised their hand for participating.

"Evelyne, is there any plan for vacation" Mr Joa asked.. " Umm no sir " I said.

" Then you are going to the class right??"

" Uhh, yeh I was going to raise my hand " I said.

I stepped on Gia' s leg and she suddenly stood up.

" Ok gia too " Mr Joa noted on the white board.

She actually gave a Death Stare...