Its complicated

I know it hurts him but I really dont have choice...

I went home and took a shower.

It was 10:30 pm. I couldn't sleep, when I close my eyes all I think about is him. I looked through the window to see whether Jonas is home and I saw the lights were turned on. I decided to go there to see if he's okay. I wore a jacket and went to his house .

" I knocked on the door but no one was there to get it and I just opened the door as it wasn't locked and I saw a girl sitting on the couch, she looked like a 15 year old teenager . She got up quickly by seeing me and asked.

" Who are you ?? "

" Is Jonas here. " I asked.

" He is in upstairs " she replied while he walked down. He was a bit embarrassed to see me, he invited me in and said. " Hey Eve this is Sandra, my sister and this is Evelyne, my.. my..

" Friend " I said.

He nodded his head and I asked " can we talk ".

He lead me to upstairs and I asked

" You told you dont have a family ".

" Yeah but its complicated. " He said.

" Obviously, all your things are complicated right??"

" Eve its not like that, my parents are also werewolves and also Sandra, but she didn't turn, she is only 16 have 2 more years to go, she visits me sometimes and also this was the reason I went for so long, my dad is the Alpha, they moved their pack to the New York and I went to see them."

" Its not so hard to believe and I dont know why did you lie about it." I said.

" As I said, I dont want you to get in trouble, I am not good with my parents and the pack and I know its my fault to hide everything and I admit that I've been so weird lately... . "he said.

" Yeah you are right, you were so weird lately.. "

I said.

" And why did you come?? "