Judgy Little Eyes

"Hey, did'nt seen you at yesterday's class "James said by sitting next to me . "Right , I was a bit stressed out and not really in a mood to hear Mr Joa's counseling or summer class , whatever ." I said. "Actually I agree with you for that , I am thinking now that why did I gave my name to this summer class" James said by giving a stressed out look. "I wasn't interested in this and also I told him that I am not interested but Mr Joa asked me to come . "Seriously ?? that's weird..." James replied . "Maybe because of my tragic family and all the sympathy stuff " I said

" Uhh , Yeah I know ,I am sorry." "There we go again , 'sorry' I hate someone saying that to me , I thought you were a cool idiot ." I said . "Oh , what do you think about me now ?? " James asked .

"I think you are just an idiot. , I have some cousin aunties those when they see me , no matter what place and situation ,they'll start to cry and cry in outside and see me with those judgy little eyes."I said. "Ouch , call me immediately when you see those aunties again and I'll join them for weeping ." we both laughed as Mr Joa entered to the class with a smile .

" Good morning sleepy faces. " Joa entered the class with a warm greeting. " "Today we are talking about mutual understanding."