
"What is it " I asked.

" We went to the hospital for check up and the doctor told that I need more rest and need to be in a good atmosphere as I am 43 years old its too risky for baby if I didn't rest so I took a long leave from my office and my sister and your elder aunt suggested to stay with them as they are back in India for 5 month and also its been a while since I've seen them, we didn't decided, we thought we'll decide it together and also we want you to come with us too... " Aunt said.

" Ohh, thats a great news Aunt and you know me well aunt, in our family I only like the two of you guys, uncle and aunt. I cant even imagin how others look me with their sentimental eyes and also I signed for Mr Joa's class....,You guys should definitely go... "

" What, you will be alone here.. " Uncle said.

" Thats okay, call me daily... "I said and went to take a shower. They both asked me to go with them for 4 months and I refused, I am not a fan of being alone in the house but It's far better than seeing my gossiping aunties but I really miss my cousins, we always used to play whenever family gatherings happen and its too hard to attend relative marriage without them but after the tragic accident, they've also been acting weird and being sympothic to me so I'm not sure I can be the old me....It was hard to sleep that night, old things came rushing to my mind, the accident, the lovable memories.......