
''What?!'' Isaac exclaimed after sudden news, ''King Klaus is using Marksman?!''

King Jonathan nodded with a serious look, ''He did in the Beta Testing phase.''

''King Klaus was a quiet guy.'' Queen Diana said, her face conflicted as she continued, ''He never talked with anyone and liked to stay alone.''

''Maybe he found out the flaws in the Marksman class and started hating it?'' Darth guessed.

King Jonathan frowned and shook his head, ''Arthur asked from every King and Queen if they wanted to change class... Klaus didn't want to change.''

''Did Marksman get nerfed?'' Darth asked, ''Is it similar with the Beta Test version?''

Queen Diana shook her head, ''None of the classes was changed. The last update was the first time any of the classes was changed.''

Isaac frowned, 'What is the meaning of this... Why doesn't King Klaus want anyone to use Marksman?'

''So, your class is Marksman?'' King Jonathan asked.

Isaac nodded, ''That's right.''