Wraith's Fame.

In a room that was lit up with a chandelier.

A yellowish hue colored the room in soothing and warm colors.

Outside the window, snowflakes were dropping down and landing softly on the snowy ground, while men and women of every age walked in the streets of the neighborhoods with happy faces.

Suddenly, the white-haired youth in the large and comfy bed twitched.

''Ahhh!'' Isaac slowly opened his eyes and instantly felt like something was wrong with his body.

''Argh!'' He grabbed his stomach and rolled in the bed in agony, ''What the hell… It feels like I have eaten till my belly was completely full!''

He grabbed his headgear and took it away.

The skinsuit that was covering his body got sucked inside the headgear.

Isaac rubbed his painful stomach and grimaced, ''Argh… What the hell… It feels like I have eaten ten cows!''

After ten minutes of rolling in the bed in agony.

The pain started easing up.