Ordinary Figures.

In the room where Players who aspire to become Gladiators had gathered.

The Players were still discussing about the match they had witnessed, but soon, the murmuring stopped after the appearance of a lovely young woman with dirtied robes.

Their eyes showed the greed, and the Players with Thief class felt an itch to steal the reward.

The young woman who appeared as the previous match's winner, Queen Diana!

Queen Diana walked past the crowd of Players and arrived at where Black Arrows were.

''Congratulations.'' Darth shook hands with her.

Queen Diana smiled and nodded. The rest of the Black Arrow Members also welcomed her with warm smiles.

''Guild Master,'' Tobi said with a severe tone while glancing at the Players, who were looking at her with greedy gazes.

''Yes?'' Her eyelashes moved gently while sitting with her back straight and hands on her lap.