The Grand Auction (2)

As the auction hall's light's dimmed down, the people grew silent. There were still several minutes before the start, but they continued staying silent out of respect.

Isaac saw a catalog of items placed on top of the small desk. He picked it up and flipped through the pages while Luna watched.

Then, their eyes widened as they saw pages 80 and 81. The pages showed the Root of Dreams and Leaves of Dreams.

Luna's fists tightened, and her lips trembled. Her cure was only arms-length away, but it seemed a distance impossible to be crossed.

Isaac closed the catalog and crossed his legs. There was a long wait for those items. Until then, they were in the role of spectators.

''Isaac…'' Luna opened her mouth, murmured with a voice that was low in volume, and closed her mouth again. Isaac didn't notice her attempt to talk.

She turned her face away, trying to focus on some other things. The chances of winning those two items were nigh-impossible.