Arthur's Announcement.

Soon, it was time for Christmas Dinner. Everyone gathered around a large wooden table with several dozen plates neatly placed on top.

After the food arrived, the sound of forks clanging against the plate reverberated in the dining room.

Alice intentionally sat next to Luna, whispering to her about girl stuff. Luna listened closely while putting tiny pieces of turkey into her mouth.

Mariah and Isabella talked with each other.

"Bro." Marvin lowered his voice as he leaned toward Isaac.

Isaac was quietly eating until he got interrupted by his big brother.

"Yes?" His eyebrow rose as he turned around to look at Marvin.

"There is one girl in Lionel's dojo. Have you met her? Her name is Ava."

"Yeah, I know her," Isaac replied.

Marvin nodded and smirked, "One day, we went to visit Lionel in his dojo. Then, she came with a long wooden stick in her hand, trying to throw us out of the dojo. It was hilarious."

"And?" Isaac's mouth twitched.