New Sibling.

The backyard had children playing amid laughter. There was a large playground for Whitelock children, but only Mark had used it lately. They were still well-maintained and well operational.

While the children played cheerfully, five young women watched them while seated around a round table. Their sweet voices overlapped the children's laughter and reached Isaac's ears.

Isaac noticed Luna, Alice, and three of her friends sitting while dressed in warm clothing. The weather was relatively tame compared to the rest of the winter, and the children didn't seem to mind the slight chill.

Luna's sparkling black hair flowed over her shoulders. She wore a brown a-line coat that tightly hugged her around the waistline. On her feet were long leather boots that reached her knees.

Alice wore quite similar clothes, and her black hair had grown longer. It looked like she was slightly trying to copy Luna's style of clothing.