Demon General Bella.

Whenever someone asked what the most famous monument of the City of Fall was, they would all answer the same. Winter Portal. The pathway to the famed Winter Realm, the dream of many.

Since its popularity, there were always Guards keeping an eye on it, never leaving it unguarded. Therefore, it was impossible to sneak inside without being noticed.

However, as the citizens walked past the Winter Portal, the Guards didn't notice five strange-looking people walking right by them like they were invisible.

At that moment, the Realm Portal activated, catching everyone off-guard. The Guards unsheathed their weapons, thinking that someone had activated it without permission. However, they couldn't see anyone except the amazed citizens.

The citizens watched as the mesmerizing whirling portal froze the ground. They could only imagine how cold it was on the other side. However, that didn't frighten them. It made them curious and excited!