Chapter 23 - Giving a Slap in the Face

The storage ring contained many materials that, apart from some tool refining materials, Jiang Xiaobai could use for refining pills – a small gain for him.

As for other methods and martial skills, even if they were of exceptional quality, Jiang Xiaobai wasn't enticed.

Well, they could be sold for money.

He had no major use for the remaining treasures, the only consolation was that he finally had a treasure sword for self-defense.

In this world, the grades of treasures were divided into Heavenly, Earthly, Profound, Yellow, and White; above these five grades, there was the divine grade.

The sword was a superior Earth grade item, not extraordinary, but it would have to suffice for now.

He could finally put the "Nine Heavens Star Sword Technique" to use.

Glancing at the ashes on the ground, Jiang Xiaobai slowly shook his head.

"The world of cultivators truly is a dangerous place. Look, relying on your bit of strength to provoke others typically ends tragically."