Chapter 28 - Slight Progress

"Huh? Dispose of stolen goods?" Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback.

"The Purification Pill from the Golden Pavilion was supplied by you, right?"

Ao Yuanwu stated plainly.

"Yes, I was once just a commoner so I didn't have any chance to get any spiritual herbs, so even if I knew how to make pills, there was no way I could..."

Ao Yuanwu cut him off, "I'm not asking about that now. I just want to know if you had enough spiritual herbs, how many Purification Pills could you make?"

"Well, I could probably make around ten a day..." Jiang Xiaobai ventured to say.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he saw the expressions on the two old men's faces change dramatically.

"If I pushed myself a bit harder, I could probably make fifteen!"


That was followed by the sound of drawing in cold air.

For a moment, Jiang Xiaobai stood dumbfounded in place. Did he quote too high or too low?

If he were to go all out, he could easily make over a hundred Purification Pills a day with no problem.