Chapter 36 - Merit?

Ao Yan had initially intended to remove Jiang Xiaobai from the stage. However, after witnessing the scene that unfolded, she took a deep breath and ultimately decided against it.

Regardless, the contest had already begun. Interrupting it would undoubtedly be seen as a sign of disrespect for Five Lotus Mountain.

It wasn't that Ao Yan doubted Jiang Xiaobai; she just felt uncertain.

Even though Jiang Xiaobai could craft the Hua Qing Pill, it didn't necessarily mean he was a capable alchemist!

Even dragons like Longgu didn't want to quarrel with Five Lotus Mountain. Seeing no other option, Ao Yan could only gaze anxiously at Jiang Xiaobai while venting her frustration out on Ao Cheng.

Ao Cheng shrieked in pain, leading the crowd to give him a wide berth.

The Third Elder watched from the sidelines with narrowed eyes, his gaze on Jiang Xiaobai filled with complexity.

Less than half a month ago, this guy was still just a mortal…