Chapter 38 - Won

It wasn't just the audience, even the elders acting as the referees felt a hint of nervousness, as if they were the ones really participating in the alchemical competition.

This contest can be described as extremely thrilling.

Kong Yuhuai, as the son of Five Lotus Mountain, needless to say, excels both in alchemy techniques and strength.

While the not-so-famous Jiang Xiaobai truly gives a stunning impression.

Having seen how Jiang Xiaobai refines pills, they came to knowledge that pills can be refined in such ways and some methods can be handled like this!

The two could almost be called the top-tier alchemists among the young generation!

Looking at the pills in front of them, the few elders deeply inhale, ready to judge impartially.

Everyone held their breath at this moment, all waiting for the final result to be announced.

After carefully inspecting for a long time, the faces of the few elders suddenly revealed delighted smiles.

"Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!"