Chapter 49  Initiating the Plan

Back in Dragon Valley, the excitement on Ao Cheng's face had significantly subdued, and his gaze towards Jiang Xiaobai no longer held the previous contempt.

Those acquainted with Ao Cheng knew that this was his way of fully acknowledging Jiang Xiaobai.

Few people caught the eyes of Ao Cheng, practically none, but Jiang Xiaobai unquestionably stood as the one he deemed most worthy, incomparable to anyone else.

Apart from his previous valiant act on Five Lotus Mountain, today's events completely won over Ao Cheng's admiration and acceptance.

Thousands of talented individuals failed to win Liu Xi, the Heavenly Maiden of Jade Immortal Sect, but Jiang Xiaobai managed to do so with just two poems.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I, Ao Cheng, haven't conceded to many people in my life. You are the only one with a lower realm than mine who can address me as a brother," Ao Cheng said meaningfully to Jiang Xiaobai.

However, he noticed that Jiang Xiaobai remained quiet, avoiding his gaze.