Chapter 56 - Will You Go to Exorcise the Demon Tomorrow?

"Are you sure this time? If you mess with my mood like before, I'll twist you into a pretzel!" growled the head of the bandaged men.

The second bandaged man gave an awkward smile and puffed out his chest, promising, "Big brother, those were accidents before. I guarantee there won't be any problems this time."

The pair had been tracking Jiang Xiaobai's qi, but their methods were a bit unconventional. They couldn't lock onto Jiang Xiaobai himself and had to follow the residual qi prints.

This meant that wherever Jiang Xiaobai went, they had to follow his trail.

Thus, the duo followed him from the dilapidated mansion all the way to Tianyuan City. They staked out at the doors of the Golden Pavilion, thinking Jiang Xiaobai was inside. But discovered that their tracking method was delayed, Jiang Xiaobai had already left.

The bandaged leader could understand this special method, but what followed really ruffled his feathers.