Chapter 59 He Doesn't Seem to be Very Strong

In the blink of an eye, the Tiger Demon had already appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai. Its palm, as big as a cattail leaf fan, was already swinging down towards Jiang Xiaobai's head.

Taoist Changfeng, who was watching this scene from behind, couldn't contain his exhilaration.

"Die, die, die! As long as you die, all the treasures on your body will become mine!"

However, against everyone's expectations, as the Tiger Demon's palm came swinging down, Jiang Xiaobai casually reached out and effortlessly grabbed the demon's wrist.

At that moment, not only was Taoist Changfeng stumped, even the Tiger Demon was stumped itself.

Jiang Xiaobai was clearly only at the early stage of Qi refining, so how could he possibly withstand an attack from the Tiger Demon, which was at the later stage of Qi refining?

"What kind of joke is this?" mumbled Taoist Changfeng.

Just then, a gasp of surprise came from the crowd. The Tiger Demon was lifting its other hand to strike at Jiang Xiaobai's head.