Chapter 64 - Three Mentally Challenged Brothers

Upon hearing the man across from him, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes nearly popped out. He hadn't realized that such a means of communication existed.

His scalp prickled. He had made a scene at the wedding in Long Valley, humiliating hundreds of thousands of cultivators. If word got out, he could only dread the future consequences.

Although he was more powerful than ninety-nine percent of the people there at the time, he was still only one person!

An army of ants could kill an elephant, after all!

He was not insane to take on tens of thousands of people!

Despite his strength, he couldn't wipe out the world with a single sword stroke!

The sea-of-people tactic was always useful. With a slight difference in level, he could be dragged down to death by bodies alone.

Once his spiritual power was depleted, Jiang Xiaobai would be left waiting for death!

"Hehe, mortal, let's see how you swagger now," Taoist Black Tiger sneered coldly and charged at Jiang Xiaobai.