Chapter 69 Secret Plan

He then began to search for other people, occasionally conversing with Ao Chang, looking for any slip-ups.

To his surprise, through his constant probing, Jiang Xiaobai learned that many elders within Dragon Valley, including those on the stage, were dissatisfied with him.

Some even frequently urged Ao Wan to have him killed.

In the process, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have found a new breakthrough.

This was no longer about any issues with the ancient tribe.

With murder and poisoning on the table, Jiang Xiaobai would not take it lying down.

Even if he was unable to retaliate against the ancient tribe, he wouldn't hold back against those who targeted him. He would ensure their elimination, make their life hell even if it took his own life.

Subsequently, Jiang Xiaobai pretended to wander around Dragon Valley, when in reality, he was using the Earth Fiend 72 Changes to find the person behind the scenes.

He still had a lot of hard work ahead of him.