Chapter 72: Everything is Arranged Properly

The more Jiang Xiaobai listened to Ao Yan's words, the more he felt that something wasn't right.

Why did it sound like she was leaving a last will and testament?

Sensing something wrong, Jiang Xiaobai cautiously lifted his head.

What he saw was Ao Yan's face, calm and unfazed, with an equally serene gaze.

"Did something happen to you?"

Jiang Xiaobai carefully asked.

"Whatever it is, it's not something you can help with by yourself."

Ao Yan slowly responded, "I know your intentions, but you should go. Stay away from the disputes in Dragon Valley. Perhaps you can even make a name for yourself."

A warmth filled Jiang Xiaobai's heart. He knew that Ao Yan was worried about him, caring for him.

Having been an orphan in both of his lives, he had never experienced such care from another.

At this moment, Ao Yan's concern moved him deeply.

He internally made a determination to confront the life-and-death crisis at hand.