Chapter 93: Ao Yan's Thoughts

Others didn't know the real state of Ao Yan, and thought that her rapid advancement to reach the peak level of the Dividing the gods phase was solely due to her own formidable talent and potential.

But in reality, Ao Yan was very clear about it.

Her rapid breakthrough was firstly due to Jiang Xiaobai previously ridding her body of its fire toxins.

And then, most importantly, the few pills Jiang Xiaobai had given her to eat.

These pills were what allowed Ao Yan to improve so quickly.

They had even triggered a fair amount of her bloodline power. Had it not been for these, she could not have achieved her present realm without ten days to a half month of intense cultivation.

During her breakthrough, the image of Jiang Xiaobai would appear unnaturally in Ao Yan's mind.

She couldn't understand why.

However, when she successfully broke through and stepped out of her room, her heart was filled with longing.