Chapter 91: Martial Sea Immortal Venerable, Jade Ling Palace!

Admittedly, Jiang Xiaobai's plan really worked wonders.

But damn it, it's a hell of a heartbreaker.

Ao Zhantian's face looked as if he'd just had a mouthful of shit.

All eyes were on Ao Zhantian.

With a squinted stare, Ao Wan had already deciphered Ao Zhantian's intentions based on Jiang Xiaobai's words.

He just wanted to bully his son and use the opportunity to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

Could he stomach that?

Even disregarding how important his son, Ao Cheng, was to him, just Jiang Xiaobai alone was enough to make him explode in rage.

After all, the Purification Pills that the Dragon Valley enjoyed today were all concocted by Jiang Xiaobai.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai was Ao Yan's partner. Despite many in Dragon Valley wanting him dead, the fact that Ao Yan hadn't said she wanted to kill him showed how important he was to her.

If he fails to produce Jiang Xiaobai once Ao Yan breaks through her cultivation and emerges, Ao Wan really didn't know what he would do.