Chapter 97 Dragon Valley Scripture Repository

"They'll probably be here by noon tomorrow," replied Jiang Xiaobai.

Ao Cheng picked up his wine cup, ready to take a drink when his hand suddenly froze, and he turned to stare at Jiang Xiaobai.

"You... Are you up to some mischief again?"

"Jiang Xiaobai, I'm warning you, don't overstep your bounds. I haven't even squared accounts with you over the Ao Cangtian thing yet!"

As Ao Cheng spoke, he slammed the table, standing up.

From the looks of him, it seemed as if he would definitely strangle Jiang Xiaobai if he was up to any sort of mischief.

"I'm just a little Qi refiner, what ulterior motives could I possibly have?" Jiang Xiaobai laughed, already deciding in his heart, he must try to make use of her this time!

Not utilizing a holy maiden like Liu Xi would just be wasteful!

Following this, Jiang Xiaobai started to speak indirectly, wanting to find out the purpose of the Yuxian Sect's visit to Long Valley this time.