Chapter 99 The Events of That Year

The old man sneered, "Why do you think you're still alive right now?"

"Isn't it because I'm useful to Dragon Valley?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"That's only part of the reason. The real reason you're alive is because Yan'er didn't let you die, and so you survived."

The old man laughed scornfully and shook his head, "Haven't you figured it all out yet—even if Yan'er doesn't lay a finger on you, the people of Dragon Valley won't bother with you, and when the ancient clans come eventually, you will be safe."

At that moment, Jiang Xiaobai froze in place.

Upon reflection, this made sense.

He had fallen into his own misperception.

"Do you understand now?" The old man chuckled.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, although he realized that Dragon Valley would most likely not abandon him, he was only slightly comforted. It did not let his guard down.

He was well aware that Ao Zhantian was waiting for a chance to take him down from behind.