Chapter 111 - I Accept You as My Brother-in-law

Jiang Xiaobai could feel Ao Cangtian's elation, a smile creeping onto his own face in response.

Why wouldn't he feel joyous?

If Ao Cangtian were to fully recover and break free, would the ancient tribe dare to touch him?

Without any hesitation, Jiang Xiaobai quickly advised, "Elder, please calm your mind. Recovering your injuries and regaining your strength should be the priorities now."

Ao Cangtian nodded, picking up a bottle of pills from the ground and examining them.

Upon careful inspection, he realized the aura emanating from the pill was incredibly mysterious, as if infinite energy was concealed within the tiny pill.

Such a situation was completely unfamiliar to Ao Cangtian.

He couldn't help but inquire with surprise, "Kid, be honest – did you concoct this yourself, or did you acquire it?"

"I don't possess such pill refining skills yet. These pills were already in the storage ring," Jiang Xiaobai swiftly responded with a calm demeanor.