Chapter 121: He, Stole the Dragon Valley Divine Skill

Many people turned to look when they saw Jiang Xiaobai and Ao Cheng walk in.

This time, everyone seated at the dining table was an important figure in Dragon Valley, apart from Ao Wan and Ao Zhenbei, Jiang Xiaobai saw many unfamiliar faces, most of them old, including two beautiful women.

These were the tenacious elders of Dragon Valley, basically all formidable practitioners from the era of Ao Yuanwu, the venerable figures of Dragon Valley.

Ordinarily, one would not have the chance to even meet them, but now all had come for the sake of GuBei.

Of course, the line of Ao Zheng was naturally present.

Looking at these unfamiliar tycoons, Jiang Xiaobai kept a poker face, but the ominous premonition in his heart was becoming increasingly strong.

He had not thought that GuBei possessed such tremendous influence, drawing the apprehension of so many immortals in Dragon Valley, otherwise, they would not have shown up.

Saying that it was because of GuBei, was not an exaggeration.