Chapter 127: Billion Spirit Stones, Buy Me For Half a Year

"Jiang Xiaobai, as a mere mortal, you were able to live within Longgu and even tread on the path of cultivation, Longgu has already given you a lot, don't take for granted what you were given."

"If it weren't for Longgu, you would be nothing more than a mere mortal your entire life. Now you have an opportunity to learn about the wider world, you should be grateful."

"Considering that you did not commit any faults, if you leave Longgu now, you'll be spared. Otherwise, don't blame me for not being polite."

All the old-fellas in Longgu are pointing at Jiang Xiaobai, wishing they could throw him out immediately.

All the things that happened previously are now all casted aside.

This perfectly illustrates - power is the ultimate truth.

"So, how does it feel to be humiliated?" GuBei asked, sneering down at Jiang Xiaobai with a condescending look.

"You and I belong on different levels. Your sharp tongue is of no consequence. You ultimately lack the qualifications to stand before me."