Chapter 140 - Nothing but Scolding

"I didn't expect that brat to be so capable. The ancient tribe is actually willing to offer a reward of 50 million top-grade spirit stones for his head. This time we're going to hit the jackpot," the boss of the Black Demons chuckled.

"Big brother, that bloke seems pretty formidable; we may not be his match."

"Just because we're no match for him doesn't mean we can't make our move. We're the Black Demon Brothers, specialized assassins. As long as we've enough patience, we'll definitely find his weakness and kill him with one strike!"

"Big brother, you truly live up to your name, such profound insight!"

"Big Brother, you're brilliant! This way, we not only reclaim our belongings by killing that guy but also snare the reward of 50 million top-grade spirit stones. Killing two birds with one stone, you're amazing, Big Brother!"

Hearing the flattery of his brothers, the boss of the Black Demon's eyes were filled with satisfaction.