Chapter 145: Destruction of the City Lord's Mansion


Jiang Xiaobai, hovering in mid-air, scoffed with a cold smile, "A single word of 'misunderstanding' makes it all good? If it wasn't for my timely discovery, I would probably be dead by now. You dare talk to me about a 'misunderstanding' after something this serious?"

"So what do you propose?"

Teeth clenched, Feng Liangfei retorted, his eyes bloodshot as he stared hard at Jiang Xiaobai, "Don't push your luck, kid. Even if you poisoned me, I could still drag you down with me before I die."

"You're welcome to try."

Jiang Xiaobai casually responded with a smirk. As soon as his words fell, another person suddenly clutched their chest and fell to the ground vomiting blood. They showed exactly the same symptoms as before - evidently, the poison was taking effect!

Witnessing this, Feng Liangfei's gaze turned venomous. His eyes burned with resentment and hatred as he looked at Jiang Xiaobai.