Chapter 154 - Lost Heavily

This statement left everyone in the room dumbfounded.

Lin Sien almost spat out her blood, clutching her chest and glaring at Jiang Xiaobai with a grotesque expression.

"You… how could you have the audacity to demand such a large amount of money?" Lin Sien wanted nothing more than Jiang Xiaobai dead at that moment.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly replied, "Of course it's worth this much. Should I calculate it for you?"

"No, please! I don't want to hear it!" Lin Sien frantically waved her hands.

She got a headache whenever Jiang Xiaobai calculated the amount. His accounting abilities were terrifying.

An elder next to Lin Sien finally blurted out, "Holy Maiden, what is this all about?"

"Oh, you see, I've saved your Holy Maiden several times, and I've completely cured her of her poison and old injuries. I even helped her reach Transcendence."

Before Lin Sien could speak, Jiang Xiaobai jumped in to explain.

As his words echoed, all the elders were struck with shock.