Chapter 156: Freeloading

The moment Jiang Xiaobai heard the System's voice, he knew his idea was correct!

If he could trigger the System's choices under certain circumstances, could he not exploit this, or even fish for rewards?

For instance, right now, Jiang Xiaobai actually had a way to escape the pursuit of these guys. He just needed to use Earth Evasion to travel a certain distance, then add Wind Evasion, and finally activate "Divine Concealment". He was sure they would not be able to catch him.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he continued to run with his two legs, aiming to trigger the System's choices, and then, freeload!

Yes, freeloading!

He had already freeloaded a reward for escaping once, which was ten years of cultivation. This time, he wanted to freeload again.

After making the first choice, the reward of cultivation immediately entered his account. It was another ten years of cultivation. Although there was no significant effect, it was still hard to come by.