Chapter 159 - The Agile Fat Man

However, what Jiang Xiaobai cared about was not these, but the price for the quota that this chubby guy mentioned earlier.

Fifty million top-grade spiritual stones for a slot, if he could shell out such a sum, it proved that the little fatso was quite well-off!

"Your family's pretty wealthy, huh?" Jiang Xiaobai asked casually.

An Fatso slapped his chubby chest, overflowing with smugness. "Honestly, my family's really well off. Xiaobai, you've got a knack for cooking, and your skills—let me tell you—I'm quite taken with them. Why don't you stick with me and I'll pay you ten million top-grade spirit stones a year as salary. What do you say?"

On hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head. An annual salary of ten million top-notch spirit stones?

Ten million top-grade spirit stones wouldn't even be enough for his two dads and himself to clean their teeth with after dinner, so it was useless.